Monday, October 12, 2020

Thinking Ahead

 Now that I have the Halloween knitting out of the way, I am focused on Holiday knitting.  I admit to ordering a bunch of Yarn from Webs today for sweaters for Gracie and the Guys.  Here are the plans thus far (remember that I may change my mind any minute, I'm fickle that way).

For my boss' boss, a hat in navy (MC) and sky blue (CC) with this pattern on it (warning before you click, there's a bad word) How Cold is It? Yeah, I know the pattern is for mittens.  I'll adapt. It's perfect for him, though, he can't say anything without throwing an f-bomb every other sentence.  I don't know how he speaks to clients.

For Gracie, Little Worsted Sock Arms, I got some Plymouth Jelli Beenz (now on closeout) for the arms and a solid in Encore (Aquamarine) for the body.

Those are the only two that have to be done by Christmas.  The guys have lived with a knitter for all their lives (the boys) and over 35 years (Dave) so they know the drill about belated gifts (see the Decade Socks previously here).  Nonetheless, I'd like to get them done by Christmas, but I'm not going to kill myself.

For Dave, the Neighborly Cardigan in a nice murky blue-grey (the color is called Stormy Sky) that is murky enough for a guy and still light enough to show off the cables.  I also like the Mr. Rogers reference, since he really was our "neighbor".  A 100% wool (so no safety issues) also on closeout.

For Chris, Retrofit in Plymouth Coffee Beenz (again, on closeout) in a beautiful saffron-like color with flecks of khaki and black so he can wear it with both his khakis and black pants.  It will go great with his coloring.  

And finally, my baby.  For DJ, #289 Men's Bulky Vest (what a great name).  He wears a ratty old vest everywhere, I'm hoping to replace it.  I got a bulky 100% wool (I figure I can wash it) that was again on closeout, in a dark grey.  Murky man colors.

You'll notice a trend here, zipper front cardis for the guys.  This is because they all wear zip front fleeces/jackets everywhere.  Ev. ery. Where. All. The. Time.

Tentative gifts are the Mawata Mittens (previously shown mawatas) for my friend Michelle and a hat and pair of fingerless mitts for my employees (no patterns chosen for those) but I'll use stash yarn if I make them. 

Still working on the Big Blue Blanket.  Also Dave's socks (if I get them done in time they can be a birthday gift [the end of the month]).  They'll be ribbed all the way to the foot (then still ribbed on the instep and stockinette for the sole) and I find I'm having more difficulty reading and knitting in the evening than I expected and it's slowing me down a little.  Also the yarn is a little splitty and that doesn't help either.  You can compare to yesterday and see I've gotten a little farther, though.  

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