Wednesday, October 21, 2020

I Need Better Lighting

 I'm wearing mismatched clothes.  Good thing I never leave the house.

Can you see it?  My shirt is pink and my skirt is red.  Last night when I picked these out I checked.  I have this same shirt in both pink and red.  Sometimes I can't see the difference, especially in poor lighting.  I know this.  So I held them together and I swear that this shirt looked red.  I get dressed in the dark every morning (I get up before Dave and just put on the clothes I've laid out without turning on the light).  So there was no chance to check until after daybreak today.  I blame the poor lighting in my house.  I'm both choosing clothes after dark and getting dressed in the dark.  Like I said, I need better lighting.

Knitting update - still plugging away at the Big Blue Blanket and Dave's socks.  I'm getting close on the blanket though.  Just 2 and a half (or so) more pattern repeats until I'm done.  I can't wait.

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