Sunday, October 11, 2020

What I Did This Morning

 I had to wait for some stuff this morning.  Last night as I was planning my morning, I was thinking to myself, "I should spend that time cleaning the bathroom."  Then this morning I was like "Well, I could spend the time knitting instead."  What do you think won out?

Yeah.  I'm nothing if not predictable.  I did a burn test on the yarn and it's a clean burn (only ashes or self-extinguished yarn [wool will self extinguish]).  This is good because the safety regs for Dave's work prohibit clothes with man-made fibers.  elements.  I wasn't 100% sure about it, hence the burn test.  Only ashes remain, so Dave should be good with these socks.  Also, I'm really hoping that he won't be setting himself on fire at work (although the possibility remains).  

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