I am so totally enamoured with my new socks that Bobbi made me. Look, did I mention the cute picot edging on them? I took a close-up. And, the ribbing is cool too. If I "read" the knitting right, it's a 2 X 3 rib with 2 knit sts, 1 garter st, a purl,and another garter. I like it! I think I might try it out myself! Thanks again Bobbi!
In other news, I finished Grey Socks 2.x and I'm knitting a cotton blend sock. It's going to be a ribbed, sporty style sock. This pair is for Older Son.

Well, that's about it, unless you want to hear me whine about my shoulder, but I figured I'd save that until tomorrow when I see the sadist, er therapist.
I'm glad that you like it. Actually, yours is the prototype for the sock pattern that I'm writing for my KSKS pal. I had planned to mail you the pattern with the box but the pattern is still partially locked in the computer and partially in my notes/brain. Goal for the weekend:unlock and print out. Then I have to figure out how to post it as a free pattern on my site. Glad you like it.
Man, that kid has big feet!
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