More socks. These are for Younger Son. I love how they match my sock bag. Serendipity, gotta love it!
I was at my torture session tonight -- the Sadist is back from vacation and full of ginger! Another tortuous session. I'm wondering how much longer this will go on, though. He managed to get my arm all the way over my head tonight. I still can't manage it, but I suppose it's only a matter of time.
And finally, knitting night! I'm such a bad blogger. Zeeppo came to our knitting group on Friday! Along with lots of other knitters, we had to get more chairs! (Well, a chair). We're taking over the world! I believe a fun time was had by all. But I have no pictures to prove it, because I forgot my camera. (See? Bad Blogger!) It seems like every time I forget my camera, we get inundated with knitters. And when I have it, it's me, CQ and Heather. Now, they're both exceptionally good looking (we all are) but how many pictures can I take of them?
1 comment:
You say that as if we are not reason enough to show up for knitting!! And, Hey! Did anyone ever say,"geesh, how many pictures can we take of Cindy Crawford?"
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