Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Weather or Not

We had Weather here in the 'burgh today. I got an early dismissal from work (Yay!). I thought that the bus ride home would be interminable, but I had good bus karma. I walked out of my building and onto the bus, which (surprisingly) made its way out of town in a very spritely fashion. There was a sticky bit at the bottom of the Slopes where we were delayed for about 10-15 minutes by a jack-knifed tractor trailer, but after that we were golden. The ride was, in fact, just long enough to finish a pair of ugly gloves. I wore them off the bus. I can definitely vouch that stranded knitting is warmer than single layer knitting.
I've since cast on and started my next commuter knitting, a very plain pair of socks in some self patterning yarn. I can't wait to get to some absolutely mindless knitting. Speaking of which, I've also cast on my next big thing, a Lopi-Like (LL) sweater for me. The yoke pattern I picked is a multiple of 6, so I'm doing a 3 X 3 rib to start. I'll knit some more and fine tune my gauge (might have to rip out) tomorrow when I'm in the stockinette.

Other musings, I'm thinking about bullies. I hate them. I try to understand that they're misunderstood, that there's no such thing as a superiority complex, that they're really crying for help. But you know what? I'm just about out of patience. And here's something else -- I've had it up to here with people in authority who push the victims of bullies to "Just stand up to them, they'll back down and leave you alone." This is a cop out, people. Every time I hear it I think, "So, they've gotten to you, too." And hello?? This attitude is what makes little kids get guns because they think that's the only way to stand up to big bullies. My least favorite are the people in charge who admit (admit!!) that they're aware of the problem, but that they won't intervene because the bully needs to learn from the victim(!) that they can't push them around. No, they need to learn from everyone that this behavior is unacceptable. Starting with the person at the top. Sheesh. Ok, someone help me down of this soapbox before I break something....


Patricia said...

I don't like bullies either. I do like protests, let me know if you'd like to organize one against bullying behavior. By the way, beautiful gloves!

Anonymous said...

Love the gloves. HATE bullies! Mind if I place my soapbox next to yours?My daughter was bullied for years at school. The schools she attended refused to do anything about it... even blamed her most of the time. When she was 14 we found out that she is autistic, which makes her different, and the principal at her school actually refused to believe the doctors, and STILL claimed the bullies weren't bullies! One kid even told her he was going to take a shotgun and shoot her and her entire family... including the baby! When I called the school the principal informed me that he knew this boy and he didn't believe that he would EVER say or do anthing like that. Ummm... as he is saying this and hanging up the phone, I am watching the TV screen in the next room. It was coverage of the Columbine shooting. I've also seen plenty of adult bullies and the people who enable them. Hehe... I'm the little nutcase who stands up to them and will sometimes "bully" them a little in return. Nothing like making them feel a victims pain to get thewm to back off a bit. Maybe it's wrong, but when those in charge won't address the problem...