Thursday, February 15, 2007


All the progress on the LL Sweater of yesterday is gone. I took it off the needle (I had suspicions about its size) and measured. WAAAY too big. (Which is a good thing. I'm willing to reknit a skein of yarn for the knowledge that I'm not quite that big around.) So I ripped and cast on a bit more than 20% fewer stitches and I'm off once again. I'll keep you posted.

We're in the midst of a frigid spell here. I wore my Ugly Fairisle gloves today and I can definately vouch for the stranded warmth of them. If I were making them again I'd opt for an even smaller needle size (probably 0) to tighten up the stitches just a bit. I think a denser fabric would be warmer. But these are plenty warm enough for our weather here (which is not, after all the Arctic although some might disagree.) I also wore my own handknit socks today, which turned up in the laundry yesterday. They were definately an improvement over the wimpy store bought ones I had been wearing. Holly sent me the yarn. I had many fond thoughts of you today, Holly! Thanks again!

To my fellow knitters -- have you seen this site?? What a great idea. I'm so tempted to do this myself. This is all the greatness of Elizabeth Perry's Woolgathering but with knitting!! I wish I'd thought of it. Genius, sheer genius.

1 comment:

Holly said...

I made myself a pair of socks with that same yarn. They are cozy. I wear them all the time.