Wednesday, February 14, 2007

It's That Time of Year, I Guess

Another early dismissal today! And again with the good bus karma. I was standing and waiting and thinking, of the three buses I can take to get me home, this one would get me home quickest. And then one pulled up! A little bit further to walk home (and it was cold) but so worth it.

And the knitting. Completely mindless, it's like a balm to the soul after doing something that requires concentration. All the way home was just one long "Ahhhh" of contentment. And I got to watch two Tivo'd episodes of Star Trek (super great early ones) when I got home while I worked on the LL sweater (this one's for me).
Here's my progress. That's a picture of the sweater I'm working towards, as well as my color choices. (If you're a long time reader you may recognize this combo. They're leftovers from my Olympic Entrelac bag.) No patterning at the waist, though. Let's just say that's not a portion of my anatomy I wish to draw attention to. I'm a little concerned about yardage. I'm going to finish up this skein and measure. I may either need to purchase more yarn (of the main color) or revise my patterning. I'm sure I have enough yarn, there just may not be enough of the main color.

Just a bit more on the bullying. This one is a social bully -- someone who is antagonistic and nasty and counts on others' politeness to get away with meanness. But coincidentally, the blog reference above shows we were having bully problems this same time last year. Weird. Maybe it's something with the weather or magnetic fields or something.

And Patricia - If you know anything about VBA email me your resume. I'm interviewing (with no success).

1 comment:

Patricia said...

By VBA do you mean Visual Basic or Veterans Benefits Admin? Either way I don't know much about VBA but appreciate your kind offer to look at my resume. I actually have an interview for Monday (which is a holiday so I don't need to take off another day) for a fantastic job I think I would love if I were to be hired (which is a different agency and job from the interview that was snow-cancelled). It's almost like something cancelled that interview to free up this opportunity for me...I can't be more excited!