Here's the birthday girl herself! She said the Clan Celtic got her the special edition Star Wars DVD set for her birthday. I'm just bummed they didn't give it to her before I went over to babysit the Celtings last night. I've got to get on the stick and call Bethel Bakery to see if I can get a cake for her birthday tomorrow. As a special birthday tribute I thought I'd list a couple of things I really like about her.
I like her curly red hair (even though I've always teased her about it.)
I like that she laughs as my jokes (it makes me feel witty).
I like the way she's worked hard to get where she is in the world.
I like that she knits (I taught her how!)
I like her taste in books and movies (very close to mine! I may have had an undue amount of influence on her in her formative years.)
And I will go so far as to say that she's older than she was, but still not as old as me!