Thursday, August 27, 2020

Spun Out

Something came over me the other day and I ordered almost 2 lbs of spinning fiber from Inglenook Fibers.  It arrived yesterday.

Very exciting.  Here's everything in the package. 
I got a pound and a half of batts in "Hobbit Garden" and 3 oz of silk in "Lagoon".  The silk is intended to be a luxurious cowl/shawl something for my friend Traci.  It's the same color as the afghan I'm making her because it's her favorite color.  But the other batts, I figure that's enough for me to make a sweater for me.  I have some pictures of it.  

OH YEAH, Baby.  Do you want a close up?  You know you do.

So I decided to dig out the spinning wheel.  Well.  Let's just say it's been awhile since I spun anything (it was when I owned the shop, we had wheels there and I would demo occasionally).  I went to the hoarder house (or the big house as we call it [I own two houses]) where the spinning wheel is.  It's a mess.  Really.  We're trying to get it cleaned up to remodel and...Well.  It's just a mess.  The spinning wheel is there, in the dining room.  I go to drag it out and -- no flyer.  Completely gone.  W.T.F.  It has to be in that room somewhere.  (Seriously, where else could it be?)  I dug around in there - when we decided to host Thanksgiving here at the Little House the guys moved the dining room table from there to here and apparently got a group of drunken monkeys to help them because stuff was just strewn all over the place.  There were bins with some stuff (I found my kate and extra bobbins) and some yarn (another Wee Skeins kit, and some handspun), but no flyer.  Well, I have a Hansen Crafts mini-spinner.  Oh yeah, lost the power supply for that.  (The last time I know for sure I had it was at Rhinebeck 2011 when I took a workshop with Abby Franquemont.  Probably left it there.)  To add insult to injury, while I was searching for my flyer I lost my balance amid the clutter and fell.  It was scary on the way down, but I didn't get hurt.  After that I lost it and went upstairs and ordered a replacement flyer for the Kiwi and a new power supply.  They should be here within the week.  

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