Friday, August 14, 2020

Again With the Pumpkin Spice

Did you know that Pumpkin Spice items are available in the grocery now?  Maybe you did, but I don't get out much (or at all) anymore.  I think last year the guys were ready to stage and intervention for me and the Pumpkin Spice creamer (but it is so delicious and creamy!). I usually do my shopping online and pickup groceries curbside, but I had to go make an emergency milk run earlier this week and I found the Pumpkin Spice creamer and some Pumpkin Spice coffee.  Mmmm.  (The Pumpkin Pie Kit-Kats are ok as long as you're not expecting them to taste like a Kit Kat, because they don't.)  I went back to the store yesterday (because I needed ground coriander for dinner -- Don't look at me like that, I'm not making excuses) and got more Pumpkin Spice coffee and creamer (not pictured above is the box of Pumpkin Spice K-Cups which is almost empty and the first Pumpkin Spice creamer which is empty and in the recycling bin.)  What?  I live in dread of running out.  Younger Son was putting away the groceries and was all "Do we really need this much coffee creamer?"  Yes.  Yes we do.  
--Mom, step away from the creamer.
--No! It's my precious!  My preeeciousssss.

My current project is kinda Pumpkin Spice (Pumpkin Nice?  I like it!) as well.  Chroma yarn from Knit Picks in Sedona, 1x1 rib.  You can see the crochet provisional cast-on to the right.  I'll kitchener the ends together when I'm done.  This is not quite one ball (and gosh, that ball put-up is the worst) and it's a good length.  For awhile there last night it seemed that the ball was not being used up, it was like The Yarn Ball of Requirement.  The yarn itself is on the thin side to be called worsted, I'd generously call it a light worsted, but I think you might be able to get away with using it as a DK.  Also see the gradation blip?  I couldn't exactly throw away half the skein.  There was no knot in the yarn it looked like the spinning just didn't get the color.  There was a weird join -- like a spinner's join, not a knot.  Oh well, I won't have to worry about when I make the skein switch in the knitting.  It's not like it could show worse than that.

Also, on a personal note, my "Quarantine Fifteen" has been negative.  Yep, I've lost 15 pounds since the beginning of quarantine.  Do you think that says something about my cooking?😀

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