Socks! The yarn was from Holly, my Pgh. Secret Pal (Thanks Holly!). But the bad news is this:

A Partial Skein!! Curses! And I have no one to blame but myself. (Don't you hate it when that happens?) Because Holly, in her infinite wisdom, sent a toe-up sock pattern with the two balls of yarn. I could have just happily knit each sock until I ran out of yarn and used up both skeins. But I forgot. Now I have to think up a use for it so I can add it to the tally. See it, over there in the sidebar? Remember, yarn in should be no more than 1/2 yarn out. I may need to bend it for La Droguerie. We'll see.
So with my socks done I started blithely along on some gloves. I had purchased a bright primary yarn with the intent of using it for some funky multicolored gloves. But then I was perusing my copy of Knitting Fairisle Mittens and Gloves and decided I'd make Fairisle Gloves with black and my multi. I've done it before with scarves and it looks good. So I started off. This is as far as I got:

Not enough contrast, see?

The darker colors in my multi blend into the black. So I thought about it and decided gray would be a better neutral to pair with (although I'd rather have the black because my coat is black, but you can't have everything.) So I'll try this pairing tomorrow:

1 comment:
I know a birthday boy whose feet might be small enough to use that partial skein as socks
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