Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Rip It

 I am trying to make these knee socks.  Well.  My increases and decreases were weird.  I've never knit knee socks (not quite true, I started a pair about 20 years ago and I bet they're still kicking around in a bin of UFOs somewhere in the house).  So I'm trying to figure this out and with most things I do it's alot of trial and error and beating my head against the wall.

There was a weird nipple there off to the left.  So I ripped this out (for like the 4th time) and started again.

The ribbing at least is good.  

I ordered all the digital back issues of PLY magazine today.  I had some (a couple of years of digital that I subscribed to and the first year that I have as physical copies in the house somewhere).  Anyway, I was overcome by a fierce desire to read all the issues in their entirety.  Their digital subscription is weird.  They send a link and you've got to either download immediately, or if you keep the email you can link in from that but you need a password.  Anyway, I wanted to fill in the issues and it ended up being cheaper to get everything than to just get the ones I needed.  I got an email with links to the back issues and none of the links worked.  They sent 8 emails with all the issues linked in the emails...Except for one.  I had to contact them again about that one.  Geez.  But the way they sent them I can only get them for 6 days.  I'm a little freaked.  I downloaded them to my computer, and to my phone and tomorrow I'll put them on the cloud.  Hopefully I'll keep them.  Now I'm reading them and I'm like eh, it's like every other fiber magazine...  Whatever.  I have them and I'll keep reading and see if there's anything new to learn.

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