Thursday, September 17, 2020

Absent Minded

 This time I wasn't sick, just absent minded. But I am down on all my projects at the moment. 

Here are my Autumn socks and I'm unhappy with them because I shorted myself a row before the heel on the second sock and now my stripes don't line up exactly. It wasn't obvious before I turned the heel and it doesn't make enough difference for me to rip back and redo (although I did seriously consider it). But it's enough to bug me. This is why I don't like exactly matching socks. 

My spinning project is causing me grief too. At various times this evening I was freaking out because I thought I wouldn't have enough bits to to fill a third bobbin and then that I would have too much for a third bobbin and I would have to spill over onto a fourth. I'm freaking out about the randomness - that I'm going to run out of one or more of the rovings and the single will be all of one thing at the end. And in general just feaking out. Also that I'm getting tired of spinning this.  It's the end of the second bobbin and I keep telling myself that just like the end of the second act this is the point that things always look bleakest. 

With all that angst going on with my other stuff I got another interminably long cabled row done on the Big Blue Blanket. 

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