Saturday, September 19, 2020


 I've been cooking. I made my Grandmother's potato salad. Yummy. It's got my own secret family dressing - no mayonnaise here. It's based on Fannie Farmer's Boiled Dressing, but has been tweaked by my grandma and mom over the years (more sugar and butter, less milk).

We're having Grace (and her mom and dad) over for a porch visit tomorrow for lunch. A cookout. Burgers and hot dogs, potato salad and some other snacks. I'll make an apple crisp with ice cream. We should be able to sit on opposite sides of the porch and visit while still maintaining social distance. I even purchased unicorn hot chocolate in case we need warming up. 

I can't wait. 

Still spinning, I've got a good start on bobbin #3. And I knit a bit on my Autumn socks. 

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