Friday, September 04, 2020


 My bobbin is almost full:

And my sock is almost ready for me to turn the heel.  Eye of Partridge heel flap, which is a bit of a departure for me, but I think it looks classy and elegant in this instance.  Perfect for a ladies' sock, which this is.

I was thinking about my spinning today -- I have a daily goal which I've been meeting every day and I'm moving right along.  A noticeable amount of my fiber bits are used, btw.  Maybe if I can keep up my goal (100 bits a day, in increments of 5) I could be done by the end of next weekend.  The suspense is killing me.  Anyway, if you look really, really closely you can probably see a few slubby bits in the singles above.  Maybe some unevenness in the spinning too.  I'm ok with this because:
  1. I only need to please myself.  I'm not entering this yarn in the fair or a festival where it will be judged.
  2. This yarn is wildly colorful (to state the obvious).  As with anything else with lots going on visually color-wise the texture will be lost in the color play.  (This is why you don't make an Aran sweater out of a variegated yarn.)
  3. The final yarn will be a 3-ply.  This also will help even out any unevenness in any of the singles in the final yarn.
  4. I am aiming for DONE yarn, not perfect yarn.

Now I'm off to knit on the Big Blue Blanket for awhile.  I'd like to get this done before the end of the year so that I can start on my New Year Sweater with my handspun yarn.

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