Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Smells Like Christmas

I had to attend Younger Son's Christmas concert tonight -- it was the first time I've been able to see him perform. Anyways, I rushed home and showered (I'd been riding the bike at the gym after work) and decided I wanted perfume that smelled...Festive. So I dabbed on some Chanel No. 5. Smells like Christmas to me. Who knew? There's YS to the left, the last trumpet player to leave the stage. He was way over there -- I couldn't really see him from where I was sitting (which was in the absolute farthest seat from him in the auditorium). But there was some light, and I got alot of knitting done while listening to the rest of the concert (I was too busy trying to find YS while he was on stage to knit).

Here's The Husby. The yarn is KnitPicks Wool of the Andes. I like the yarn alot. Wish the skeins were 100g instead of 50g, though. This is three skeins of knitting. So far I'm knitting up a skein a day. But with 19 skeins for the sweater, you can see I might fall short for Christmas. Also, Older Son is dropping some really broad hints for a pair of Fuzzy Feet for Christmas. What's a mom to do?

Also, I stopped at the craft store (Pat Catan's) to get some yarn for the above mentioned Fuzzy Feet, and they had a bunch of yarn on sale for $1 a skein. So I bought 28 skeins. (Come on, it was a dollar a skein!) Also, the wool yarn was on sale too (but not for $1 a skein, it was $1.50) so I bought 10 skeins of that. (Red and blue, I'm thinking stripes. And maybe some mittens -- hence the 10 skeins). Last I heard from Celtic Queen, she was headed off there to get some yarn for her own Fuzzy Feet gift giving. I wonder how she fared. I'm thinking of joining Wendy for . I could so totally do it. I think me an 5 other knitters could spend the whole year knitting from my stash.

Holly, I tried to upload a picture of the pooping sheep, but Blogger feels that I've used my quota for images today. (I was hoping for a holiday reprieve, but no such luck.) Here's the link, though: Pooping Sheep mouse over the sheep for a larger view.

1 comment:

Heather said...

YIKES!! I better get working on my Mister's sweater... you're gonna beat me and I had a super-duper head start!!! Looks great, btw.