Thursday, December 14, 2006

Dude, Where's My December?

Here's the first Sadist glove. I'm almost ready to start on the fingers. And doesn't that thumb gusset look great? With luck, I'll finish up the pair over the weekend. I have until next Thursday so I'm pretty hopeful. The Husby sweater, on the other hand...I don't know. I may need another all-nighter (or two). The last item I stayed up all night on Christmas Eve to finish knitting for my husband he never wore, though. So I can't say I'm inspired to do so again.

There's a new love in Dave's life. He stopped on the way home last night and bought himself a new Martin guitar. He's out on a date with it right now (really, he's at choir practice trying it out on the church's PA system, alongside his old guitar so he can see how much better it sounds).

Gorgeous sunset today, again with the "I should take my camera with me." Therapy, I thought the Sadist would be mean, (because I think he wants to get rid of me) but it wasn't too bad. He still twisted my arm, though. My knee is still better -- I actually took some steps today that weren't painful. It was strange and kinda refreshing. Funny how you can take something like walking without pain for granted for so long....

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