Thursday, August 14, 2008

I Was on Fire! (Till They Put Me Out)

I was finishing up my stuff today at work in record time. I was firing off e-mails left and right saying things were done! One of the Project Leads sent me an e-mail teasing that I was showing off. I replied that I was on FIRE and that I was about to run out the door before they told me I had to re-do everything. You guessed it - within minutes I got an e-mail from one of the other Project Leads saying I had to re-do my stuff (not my fault, though!) So there's tomorrow gone. But when I did finally manage to stagger out the door it was to sunshine and rain which meant - you guessed it - a rainbow! I snapped this pic from the shuttle window. You can barely see the rainbow if you look really hard. When I got home I dragged my wheel out again to spin -- I got Dave to take a pic of me this time. He spent a fair bit of time trying to get my point and click camera to do fancy stuff. "It's just point and click, Dave." "No, I think I can adjust the flash." (He thought the pic was too flashy.) "I don't think so." "I'm sure I can, there's an adjustment for some other thing." (Dave presses buttons on camera for awhile. Laurie grows impatient.) "Let me see the picture." Dave hands over camera. "That's fine." "You think so?" "It's good enough for the blog." Sheesh. And here's my progress for the day (I had to turn off the flash so the colors wouldn't fade out.)


Rachel said...

You're really getting a lot of spinning done. Good for you!

Heather said...

ooooh, purrrty.
How come he didn't go get his camera and light you properly?!?