Monday, November 02, 2020

Post Time Change


I'm not doing well with the time change.  The older I get, the harder it is.  I woke up Sunday morning at what I thought was 6:00 AM, and got dressed and came to the Little House (where my coffee is).  Imagine my surprise when I realized it was really only 5:30 when I got here.  I mean, Dave had mentioned it, but it didn't really register, you know?  But there was no going back to sleep.  This morning I woke up at 4:00 AM (really) and finally did get a little more sleep, but I'm still pretty tired.  Maybe I'll get adjusted by the end of the month.

In knitting news I'm still working on the Boring Big Blue Blanket.  I realized today that I have until Thanksgiving to get this done to stay on track for my 13 pairs of socks/13 sweaters in a year.  The hat will count as a pair of socks, by the way.  I've got the socks covered until Thanksgiving.  I just need 2 sweaters (which will be the finished BBBB.  

And I've discovered on YouTube an 11 hour video of autumn scenery with relaxing music.  Very beautiful, and relaxing to knit to.  Once it's colder and closer to the holidays I may switch to the 24 hour fireplace.  All the zen drives the guys crazy, but I find it soothing.

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