Tuesday, November 24, 2020

3 of 13

 It's like it's a Borg sweater.  My Little Worsted Sock Arms for Gracie.  

Pictured in daylight for truer colors
This picture was taken earlier today while I had the light.  I've been knitting since, and now the knitting is complete.  I just have to weave in a couple more ends and the sweater is complete!  For those of you keeping track, this is sweater number 3 (the blanket counted as 2) of 13 for the year.  I've completed socks number 1 and 2 already.  My Cold As... hat will be socks number 3.  Which reminds me, though the blanket should have been delivered today.  I'm keeping up so far.  Yippee!  

Baking will commence tomorrow for Thanksgiving.  Think good thoughts.

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