Monday, August 24, 2020

You're Driving Me Crazy

 I had to take my car to get inspected today. I asked Dave to make the appointment, and he said it was for today.  He is working out of town in New York state, though, and leaving this morning.  I told him we could drop the car off Sunday night then.  He said OK, or maybe in the morning.  Now, I like to start my day early (7:00 AM) so that I can be done early and knit or watch TV or whatever in the evening.  I'm the kind of person who when I have to work I get up, get ready and get to work so that all the work is done and out of the way with and I can get on with my day.  Anyway, all day yesterday Dave never mentioned the car or dropping it off.  In fact, I forgot about it until I was walking home.  I mentally shrugged and assumed we would do it in the morning.  NO. Dave (who is a night owl) calls me after I was asleep (NOT a night owl see 7:00 AM) at 10:30 last night. 

Dave: We have to take your car.

Me (sleepily):  Huh?

Dave: We have to take your car for inspection.

Me: We will have to go in the morning.  I can guarantee you I'm not walking down there in my nightgown. 

Dave: Where is your owner's card?  Your insurance?

Me: I don't know.  Go online.

A pause while I hang up and just drift back to sleep,  Dave called again.  

Dave: I can't find the registration.  Go look for it.  

Well, I did find an old one (several years out of date) stuffed in an old wallet but it was enough for him to get everything together.  Sheesh.  

Older Son asked today (he was here for the frantic search). Why do you always rush around like that?  Why don't you just keep stuff yourself.  I told him it was the division of labor.  I cook and do the laundry.  Dave does yard work and car stuff.  I don't want to go crossing the lines.  That way leads to pink underwear for everyone and just hunks of meat and starch for dinner.

Long and short of it though we got up early and dropped the car off.  I was back here and logged in and working at 7:06.

The socks may be ready for toes tomorrow.  

I'm thinking next up some Halloween socks.  I found some Vesper yarn while I was poking around looking for sock yarn last week in "Spooky" and "Hocus Pocus".  I'm thinking I'll combine them and do a stripe repeat of each (kind of like a Wee Skeins, but not really).  At first I thought I would make Little Sock Arms for Gracie but then I got a grip.  She's EIGHT.  That's a lot of work for a sweater she'd wear what? Twice? If I'm lucky.  I'll knit some Halloween socks for her and for my friend Michelle.  The sad part (or great, depending on how you look at it)?  Michelle's socks will be smaller than Gracie's.  

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