Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Sweater Weather

 Brrrr!  It was a little chilly here this morning.  Not enough for me to turn on the heat, although the heat is on at the Big House -- Dave insists on it.  I do program it lower during the night and then have it ramp up starting at 4:00 AM so it's toasty for Dave's shower.  I will now start my morning routine of waking at 4:20 feeling like I'm burning up (yes, I can tell).  But that's not really the point.  I've started wanting to make a new sweater.  I'm reading the Woolen issue of PLY magazine and I'm thinking, "Yessss, that's what I need, a super warm snuggly sweater.  I have to get a fleece so I can prep it myself and make lots of rolags, then spin them all up."  SERIOUSLY?  Does anyone else think like this?  I'm cold now so I'm going to start with a freaking SHEEP for crying out loud.  I'll tell you when I'll get my warm snuggly sweater, July 2022 if I'm lucky!  I need to get. a. grip.  But nevertheless it would be a good thing if being cold motivated me to work on the Big Blue Blanket for awhile.  

I'm reading about all the woolen yarn stuff in PLY and I've been thinking about woolen spinning.  Have you ever done it?  It is truly, truly magical.  The make is like a rubber band between your hands and you're stretching, stretching, stretching and then BAM! it's yarn.  Magic, I tell you.  Go back and watch the Woolen video from the other day.  Ahhhh, divine.

Anyway, I'm still knitting the Frankenstein Socks, and I think I just might get them done to give to Gracie on Sunday when I see her.  Then I have to knit another pair of Halloween socks, then I think I should start thinking about Christmas.  Not sure if I want to commit to any hand made gifts, but I might.

I leave you with my Resident Rooster, who is now crowing away at ~7:00 AM daily.


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