Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Consistently Inconsistent

 I've been spinning, working on filling the second bobbin.  I compared to the first bobbin and I see that

they are close.  Not the same, but what I would call consistently inconsistent.  Just what I was hoping for.  If this continues, I should have a yarn that includes all the colors from all the rovings, all mixed up.  I don't want anything that would stripe, flash, or pool in the final yarn, just show the colors throughout in little blips.  No patterns.  I'm hoping, at least.  

In other news my new waffle iron arrived today and I let the old one go.  So waffles for breakfast tomorrow.  

I went to the grocery store today.  I think I was the only person following the directions for the aisles.  Seriously.  It's super hard for me too.  I always forget to look, and then when I get to the end of the aisle and see the do not enter sign I have a mini panic attack that I'm going the wrong way until I realize it's directed at people entering from that direction.  And navigating to what I need.... Last time I was there some cruel twist of fate forced me to walk down the candy aisle like seven times trying to get what I wanted.  

Finally, the whole cleaning during the pandemic is starting to take hold of me.  Not that I'm going wild about it or anything.  So a sure bet that this whole staying in thing is about to end.  Because you know, when I pick up on a trend it's totally over.

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