Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Belated Belated Roc Day

Several other beautiful fiberistas and I celebrated Roc Day belatedly on Sunday. Since Roc Day fell on Thursday this year and my employer doesn't acknowledge that day as a holiday (I know! Go figure), we celebrate on the closest Sunday. Heather hosted, as usual. We all brought our wheels and had a wonderful time, and I even managed to get some spinning done.

From left to right in this picture: Julia, KnitLust, Heather, and Celtic Queen. The empty wheel is mine, I was behind the camera.

This baby is sooo knit spoiled, we're always making something for her! But baby things -- who can resist? They're so little, so cute, so quick to make! Julia knit this most adorable bear for her.


Rani said...

I'm so envious. None of my friends knit . . . or spin. In fact, they make fun of me. Until I wear something and then they say, "Oh, will you knit me one."

I used to be polite.

Now I simply say, "No. No I won't."

Downtown Dancing Knitter said...

Every blog I check there is a baby project for her! Oh my goodness, she will never be cold! It's just not going to happen-

How dare a knit holiday not recognized? I would love a knit holiday--- then I could squeeze it in! Haha--

Missing Everyone!! <3 Carly