Saturday, March 07, 2009

Let Them Eat Cake?

Well, I finally got my cake. I had to make it myself, but there it is. I'm having a party for myself. Seems as though I've finally made it to menopause. So it really wasn't PMS last week, after all. I decided a momentous event such as this called for a cake. Right? When I informed Dave about it, that's what I told him. "I think I need to have a party for this." I don't think he got it. Next week I'll compare notes with my evil twin and find out where she is on this road. Anyways, I'm feeling surprisingly good, and sleeping a bit better so maybe things are finally on the up swing. The big question now is...Should I let the boys have some of my cake?? Younger Son dropped my first one (and the worst part of that? The whole house smelled like cake and I couldn't have any.) Older Son promised to make me another cake and didn't come through with the goods. And neither has done his chores completely. Weigh in in the comments. BTW, YS did not want to throw himself on the mercy of the blog, while OS thought you'd go for him having cake. Finally,no knitting I can show pictures of, so I'll leave you with this. I think the yarn shop should get one.


Donna said...

My kids vote they have cake. LOL I think younger son yes, because he tried to make the cake. Older son did not make any effort and wants to reap the rewards. But that is just another mom's suggestion.

Heather said...

No mercy. No cake for the boys.
Mean mom has spoken :)

Rachel said...

Heather is absolutely right. No mercy. Dropping cake is a crime. A crime worthy of no cake.

(And you should eat it all anyway).